지적설계에 대한 연구가 peer-reviewed 저널, 책으로 출판되고 있는가?Basic 2009. 5. 20. 04:41
지적설계에 대한 연구가 peer-reviewed 저널, 책으로 출판되고 있는가?
Is research about intelligent design published in peer-reviewed journals and monographs?
때때로 신다윈주의 입장을 가진 이들로부터의 공개적인 적대감으로 인해 설계를 주장하는 학자가 그들의 견해에 대해 공정한 평가를 얻기가 어렵기도 하지만, 지적설계를 지지하는 연구와 글들을 peer-review 과정을 거쳐 출판해오고 있다. Peer-review를 거친 책으로 설계를 지지하는 것으로는 William Dembski가 쓴 The Design Inference (Cambridge University Press), Michael Behe가 쓴 Darwin's Black Box (The Free Press) [*다윈의 블랙박스 (풀빛)], Stephen C. Meyer와 John Angus Campbell이 공저한 Darwinism, Design and Public Education과 William A. Dembski와 ID비평가 Michael Ruse가 쓴 Debating Design이 있다. 저널로는, Michael Behe가 "환원 불가능한 복잡성" 개념을 peer-reviewed 저널이며 University of Chicago에서 발행하는 Philosophy of Science에서 변호한바 있다. 또한 peer-reviewed 저널로 설계 이론에 중점을 둔 Progress in Complexity, Information, and Design이 있으며 editorial advisory board로 대부분 대학에 적을 두고 있으면서 관련 과학 분야에서 훈련받은 50여명의 학자들로 구성되어 있다. 마지막으로 설계 이론가들의 연구결과들이 Annual Review of Genetics와 같은 peer-reviewed 저널에서 다른 학자들로부터 인용되기 시작하였다. 더 자세한 정보를 위해서 다음 리스트를 참고하라."Peer-Reviewed and Peer-Edited Scientific Publications Supporting ID"
* 국내 번역된 도서임.
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Yes. Although open hostility from those who hold to neo-Darwinism sometimes makes it difficult for design scholars to gain a fair hearing for their ideas, research and articles supporting intelligent design are being published in peer-reviewed publications. Examples of peer-reviewed books supporting design include The Design Inference (Cambridge University Press) by William Dembski, Darwin's Black Box (The Free Press) by Michael Behe, Darwinism, Design and Public Education by Stephen C. Meyer & John Angus Campbell (Michigan State University Press) and Debating Design (Cambridge University Press) by Center Fellow William A. Dembski and ID critic Michael Ruse. In the area of journals, Michael Behe has defended his concept of "irreducible complexity" in the peer-reviewed journal Philosophy of Science published by the University of Chicago. There is also now a peer-reviewed journal that focuses on design theory, Progress in Complexity, Information, and Design, which has an editorial advisory board of more than 50 scholars from relevant scientific disciplines, most of whom have university affiliations. Finally, the works of design theorists are starting to be cited by other scholars in peer-reviewed journals such as the Annual Review of Genetics. For more information go to our annotated list of "Peer-Reviewed and Peer-Edited Scientific Publications Supporting ID"
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